A National and International Reputation for Excellence
十大菠菜导航网址 has earned a reputation as one of America's finest school systems, winning many awards as a national and international model of excellence. 的 全球教育研究 by the nonprofit Battelle for Kids organization lists 菠菜网lol正规平台 among five of the world's highest performing school systems. 菠菜网lol正规平台 also is one of the world's top 20 school systems -- and one of the top three in the U.S. -- in terms of sustained and significant improvements, according to a report described as the most comprehensive analysis of global school system reform ever assembled. 这项研究是由麦肯锡进行的 & 公司, a trusted advisor and counselor to many of the most influential businesses and institutions in the world. McKinsey serves more than 70 percent of Fortune magazine's most admired companies.
的 school district was named a national winner of the Broad Prize for Urban Education, recognizing America's best urban school system for increasing student achievement. 菠菜网lol正规平台曾五次入围该奖项. 的 district also was listed among California “Districts Beating the Odds” by the Learning Policy Institute. 长滩 was identified as a "positive outlier" district where Hispanic, white and African American students achieve at higher than predicted levels, performing better than students of similar racial, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds in most other districts.
菠菜网lol正规平台 also earned the District of the Year award from the national business news publisher Industry Dive and its publication, 教育潜水. 的 honor is part of the Dive Awards recognizing education’s “top disruptors and innovators.”
Established in 1885 with fewer than a dozen students meeting in a borrowed tent, 菠菜网lol正规平台现在教育了超过64名学生,00 students in 84 public 学校 located in the cities of 长滩, 莱克伍德, 信号山, 以及卡塔利娜岛上的阿瓦隆. 有一个超过12人的团队,000名全职和兼职员工, the school district is the largest employer in 长滩. 加州第四大学区, 菠菜网lol正规平台 serves one of the most diverse large cities in the United States, and dozens of languages are spoken by local students.
的 school district has won widespread recognition for excellence in academic achievement, 艺术和体育. 菠菜网lol正规平台's successes have been chronicled by national media including the New York Times, 华盛顿邮报》, 大西洋, U.S. 新闻与世界报道, 《十大菠菜导航网址》, 《十大菠菜导航网址》, Time, 游行, 《十大菠菜导航网址》, ESPN, 早安美国, NBC今日秀, CBS的《菠菜网lol正规平台》, CNN头条新闻等.
菠菜网lol正规平台 was the first public school system in the U.S. to require uniforms in kindergarten through eighth grade; the first to require any third grader reading below grade level to attend mandatory summer school; and the first to end social promotion. 菠菜网lol正规平台's reforms have paid off with record attendance and low absenteeism, 更多的学生参加大学预科课程, 更安全的学校. Local 学校 continue to post significant gains in student achievement.
早在这一策略在美国军队中普及之前.S. 学校, 长滩 developed clear expectations for what children should know and be able to do as a result of their schooling at each grade level. 的 district in the early 1990s looked to teachers, 商业领袖, 大学专家和家长开发新的, 严格的学术标准. 从那时起, attainment of those high standards has attracted the increased interest and involvement of civic leaders, 社区合作伙伴, 家长和老师. 的 school district's Academic and Career Success Initiative, 由教育委员会于2008年批准, built upon nearly two decades of steady improvement. 的 initiative reaffirms 菠菜网lol正规平台's commitment to serving every student, every day. This initiative was aligned with the school district's strategic plan and, 最近, the Local Control Accountability Plan required by the state.
Key to the district's success is its work with business people, 志愿者, 大专院校. 十大菠菜导航网址, California State University 长滩 and 长滩 City College have worked in collaboration with local, 区域与国家合作伙伴打造无缝对接, 从幼稚园到研究生教育. 这种伙伴关系使学术标准保持一致, teaching methods and student assessment from preschool through masters and doctoral degree. 的 partnership also includes the 长滩 College Promise, which provides additional support to help more students prepare for and succeed in college. 菠菜网lol正规平台 has also established educational partnerships with more than 1,300家本地企业, which recognize the district's role in developing a well-educated, 高技能劳动力. Thousands of Volunteers in Public 学校 (VIPS) assist teachers and students in classrooms. 长滩 学校 have been visited and praised by the nation's president, 总检察长, 四名教育部长, 前国务卿Gen. Colin 鲍威尔 and other high level officials seeking to replicate 菠菜网lol正规平台's successes. Local 学校 have won numerous California Distinguished, National Blue Ribbon and National Green Ribbon awards.
的se are the hallmarks of one of America's finest school systems. A total commitment to continuous improvement is what makes the 十大菠菜导航网址 a national and international leader in preparing young men and women for success.
- 64000多学生
- 59%的西班牙裔
- 12%非裔美国人
- 12%的白人
- 7%的亚洲
- 5%两个或更多种族
- 3%的菲律宾
- 1%太平洋岛民
- 16.5%英语学习者
- 60%处于社会经济劣势
- 84 学校 in 长滩, 莱克伍德, 信号山 and Avalon (Catalina Island)
- $1.2023- 2024年的运营预算为30亿美元